Basic Education Reforms in Guinea: Context and Concerns

  • Lan Yu Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
  • Yukari Nagai Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Keywords: Children's painting education, House Tree Person experiment, children's painting cognition, children's painting habits


Human behaviors are cultivated from childhood. People's aesthetic habits and creativity are cultivated through the creation of children's painting works. Unlike the other art activities, painting is an art activity that is very easy to implement and not constrained by the surrounding environment. Creating a painting work is an art activity that everyone can participate in. Anyone can use painting works to express their own thoughts and feelings. As for some introverted personality children, they are shy to share their ideas. Researchers can search children's growth environment, psychological state, aesthetic habits and their painting habits from these children's painting works. Aesthetic cognition and concept are the most important factors that compose a painting work. Children's aesthetic habits and painting habits will directly affect children's creativity and imagination after adulthood. There are 471 children aged 7-13 participated in this study. This research focus on seeking children's painting education method. In addition, using House Tree Person (HTP) test to find children’s preference and habits while creating the paintings works


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How to Cite
Yu, L., & Nagai, Y. (2019). Basic Education Reforms in Guinea: Context and Concerns. West East Journal of Social Sciences, 8(1), 1-14.